Quality Assurance

Our Quality management system (QMS) has been tailored to meet the individual needs of our clients under the guidance of the NSAI using the ISO9001:2008 standard as a framework. We have been certified as being ISO9001:2000 compliant since 2004.

Our QMS is documented via the following:

  • Quality Manual
  • Quality Policy
  • Quality Forms
  • Guidance documents
  • Generic Specification

The QMS is fundamental in achieving both our Quality and business objectives. The QMS structure, objectives and processes are adopted and our commitment to the QMS is shown by our adherence to these processes and adoption of a Quality Policy. The Quality management system has been implemented to achieve this quality policy.

This is done through:

  • Maintaining the integrity and traceability of the customer supplied drawings specifications and contract documentation.
  • Identifying key processes required, flowing/documenting these and ensuring that they are followed.
  • Facilitating the agreement and documentation of Quality objectives and defining these.
  • Sourcing quality materials from reputable suppliers.
  • Monitoring process and supplier performances and making changes and improvements where appropriate.
  • Ensuring motivated, trained and competent persons complete the respective processes
  • Ensuring that the planning of resources and infrastructure is sufficient to support the processes.


CPY-QA-001 Quality Policy


NSAI ISO 9001 Coffey Group Certificate