Carraroe Sewage Scheme

Project Summary

The scheme provides for the construction of approximately 3.5 km of the sewer. The scheme provides mainly of new pipelaying and pipelaying upgrading works within the village of Carraroe.

The pipe laying of approximately 1726m of 450mm diameter sewer in the village of Carraroe, including permanent reinstatement.

The construction of 1400m of new 225mm diameter sewer, including the permanent road reinstatement.

The construction of 272m of new rising main, including the permanent road reinstatement.

Where possible this was carried out on the hard shoulder with traffic management utilised where required. However there were a number of spots along the route where the pipeline came out into the roadway and in addition, there were a number of road crossing, where this was the case traffic management using traffic light and a stop-go system was utilised.

On a number of the back road, the road was closed completely and a diversionary route was utilised.

Here due to the presence of rock drilling and gas blasting was carried out to fracture the rock where rock breaking couldn’t be used due to the strength of the granite rock.

All the pipelines were tested according to the spec in the documents.

The construction of a new pump station and associated site works.

The demolition of all abandoned manholes and the grouting of all abandoned sewers.

The construction of new manholes, access chambers and ancillary fittings.

Upgrading section of roadway and all associated accommodation works.

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