Work Underway at Spiddal Wastewater Treatment Plant

Coffey has commenced construction work on the Spiddal wastewater treatment plant on behalf of Irish Water and Galway County Council.

The Spiddal wastewater treatment plant will have a capacity of 1000 p/e (persons equivalent) and once completed, will bring benefits to Spiddal in terms of health, integrity of the environment, and improved water quality for all. The project will comprise a new pumping station connected to the existing infrastructure with this pumping station feeding a new wastewater treatment plant on the outskirts of Spiddal. The plant is designed to accommodate future population growth in the #Spiddal area and the expected completion date for the work is Q4 2023.

Call us on 091 844356 or email on for details on this projects and our other work with Irish Water. A comprehensive list of our completed water and wastewater projects is available at